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The Department's Vision

Slimming down the organizational structure to implement the delegation of responsibilities at all levels, improve the efficiency of human resources, and establish an action-driven government where the citizens' needs are considered as the priority.

Strengthen the core competences of personnel, enhance personnel training, and establish a professional, caring personnel management system in order to provide exceptional personnel-related services.

Implement examination to recruit talent, place equal emphasis on internal promotion and external recruitment. Furthermore, enforce rigorous control over the hiring of temporary personnel in order to train outstanding civil service manpower.

Provide the city hall's civil service personnel with high-quality education and service to support major policies and the needs for diverse professional talents. The aim is also to cultivate local talents, enrich the employees' core competencies in an effort to create a professional city hall staff and increase their administrative efficiency.

Promote employee welfare and care, create a pleasant workplace, and formulae a comprehensive employee assistance system in a bid to achieve outstanding personnel service. The ultimate aim is to improve the morale of civil service personnel, facilitate physical and mental wellbeing, as well as to elevate the organizational efficiency by increasing the staff's work performance.

Implement the public service pension policy and sensibly allocate budget for the public service pension in order to revitalize human resources through the infusion of new talents.

  • 市府分類: 一般行政
  • 最後異動日期: 2023-06-13
  • 發布日期: 2023-06-13
  • 發布單位: 臺中市政府人事處
  • 點閱次數: 446